Safeguarding and Wellbeing Identification and Support Service Links

At Queen Elizabeth High School, Bredenbury Primary School and St Peters Primary School, we promote and support all pupils and their families to access Early help services. Below you will find a list of school based, local and national services. However, if you feel these do not meet your needs, please contact a member of the Safeguarding and Wellbeing team who will offer support and advice.

The Safeguarding and Wellbeing Team present across the three schools is coordinated by Mrs Kim Lane – Safeguarding and Inclusion Executive Lead,

Contact details: Telephone 01885 482230


Bredenbury Primary


At Bredenbury the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Single point of contact and Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead is Mrs Kim Lane.

The safeguarding lead (DSL) is Mrs Samantha McAtear and the deputy safeguarding lead is Mrs Rebecca Turner.

Contact details are:

01885 483237

01885 483253

All teachers and staff members can put you in touch with the above key staff members or you can email or call directly into school and speak to them personally.

Thrive Support in all three Schools

Thrive® promotes children’s and young people’s positive mental health by helping adults know how to be and what to do in response to their differing and sometimes distressed behaviour.

At Bredenbury Primary School, Mrs Smith is the Primary Thrive practitioner. Using the Thrive Approach, she provides training, an online profiling tool and action-planning tool to equip parents and teachers with the knowledge, insights and resources needed to develop the relationships that help children and young people to flourish and learn.

Please contact Mrs Smith on 01885 483237


Local and National Support Links

Please see below a list of services to support pupils and their families. Safeguarding and family support teams in schools are available to discuss support in self-referral or in accessing the Early Help Hub within Herefordshire.


Direct Help and support in Herefordshire for young people

The CLD Trust – see above , provides qualified counselling for children and young people (aged 8 – 25yrs) and their families and has been doing so in Herefordshire for 25 years. They can help with all kinds of issues with anxiety or depression whatever the cause may be.

Young people can contact The CLD Trust directly through the website for the Strong Young Minds project. Check out: for the form to refer yourself for help.

They are currently providing face to face and video counselling. This is available as a school commissioned service or can be accessed as a self referral

Child and Adolescent Mental Health For more information on the wellbeing support available for children and young people visit


Other useful online resources include:


Bereavement support and resources


Domestic Abuse support

West Mercia Women’s Aid:


Other useful resources


Resources for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities​​​​​​​