Working together with parents / carers is crucial. We firmly believe that staff, children and families should work together in a home school triangle. If we do this, our children will make very good progress in every year group and leave us as well rounded individuals with good social and emotional skills, good citizens and have the academic ability to confidently make their move to high school.
As a parent / carer it is very important that you understand how your child is progressing.
We formally report to parents and carers on their child’s progress three times a year (the statutory requirement is once a year) – though we encourage parents and carers to get in touch with their child’s teacher if they have any concerns or enquiries. We do operate an ‘open door’ policy in school and are happy to discuss any issues and concerns you may have throughout the academic year. We find that if matters are addressed quickly then the outcome is a happy one for all parties concerned, particularly the children. The health, happiness and safety of our children is at the very foundation of our school, everything we do is centred around this. If it’s important to you, we need to know! It is always better, under these circumstances, to talk and not email. We are proud of the opportunities we provide to enable parents to contact staff and vice versa as communication about your child is paramount. Parents can speak to staff at the end of the day, contact them directly via Seesaw or make an appointment via the office.
There are three opportunities to meet formally with your child's teacher during the year: two parent/teacher evenings and a 'Meet the Teacher' session.
The parents' evening in the autumn term is an opportunity to find out how your child has settled in, to learn about the progress your child is making and find out if they need any further support. A written report will be provided. If your child is having significant difficulties, their teacher would have usually contacted you already and may have provided an Individual Learning Profile (IEP).
The second parents' evening is towards the end of the spring term. In this one the parents are given opportunities to look at their child’s work, to discuss progress and ‘ways forward’ for their learning. A written report will again be provided.
At the end of the academic year parents receive a statutory, written report about their child’s progress in all areas, based on their teacher’s assessments. Parents and carers of children in Year 1 will receive Phonics Screening results and in Y6 will also receive the results of the statutory tests that have been taken.
At the end of each year teachers hold detailed ‘handover’ meetings with the next class teacher and pass on relevant information, including the results of assessment. Parents are given an opportunity to 'Meet the Teacher' to start preparing for their child's move up to a new class.
As previously mentioned, teachers work hard to be available to parents (both in person and virtually) if there is anything you wish to discuss between the formal opportunities timetabled throughout the year.